All our leather goods are handmade, in the finest leathers. The handbags include two large pockets inside; one is zipped, the other is open. Two saddle nails with reference to Marie-France Burel form the signature of each bag.
The two long handles of the shopping bag allow his owner to carry it on the shoulder. The bucket bag handle is reinforced with foam, which makes it particularly comfortable for the shoulder. The shopping bag measures: l.38 x h.28 x d.12 cm. The bucket bag measures: l.32 x h.28 x d.15 cm. Each bag costs 430 euros, excluding shipping costs.
The envelope card cases (l.15 x h.11 cm) can contain for instance the ID cards or car papers, etc. Each costs 42 euros, excluding shipping costs.
To order your leather good, please, CLIC HERE
Bucket bag in gold calfskin
Shopping bag in orange bull-calf
Shopping bag in gold bull-calf
Bucket bag in gold bull-calf
Shopping bag in black bull-calf
Enveloppe card cases in goatskin
Shopping bag in indigo-blue bull-calf
Order your handbag, unique piece!
Shopping bag in chocolate calfskin
Inside of the bucket bag in gold bull-calf
Bucket bags in jaipur-pink and rosso-red bull-calf
Enveloppe card cases in goatskin
Bucket bag in chocolate calfskin
Bucket bag in indigo-blue bull-calf
Shopping bag in chocolate calfskin
Bucket bag in pumpkin bull-calf
Bucket bag in black bull-calf
Gold plain matt calfskin
Havana plain matt calfskin
Black plain matt calfskin
Jaipur pink lagun bull-calf
Rosso red lagun bull-calf
Pumpkin lagun bull-calf
Navy-blue lagun bull-calf
Orange lagun bull-calf
Black lagun bull-calf
Gold lagun bull-calf